Pararescue (press release) Created press release that became one of Dearborn's top 10 stories of the year in 2010, featuring Ryan Darnell, firefighter and Air Force elite pararescue team member.
Ebola War (web site content) Created content for web site, developed PR campaign and marketing tools for the Alethea Productions documentary. Content, writing and distribution of press releases, brochure, one sheet and Electronic Press Kit (EPK).
Memory Trail (TV documentary script) Created TV documentary, which aired on CTV and SCN. Developed, researched, wrote, produced, directed, and interviewed.
Eyewitness to War (TV documentary script) Wrote, produced, researched, interviewed, directed and publicized award-winning TV documentary for Cooper Rock Pictures. Aired on History Television, Historia, SCN, Knowledge Network, CBC, ACCESS-The Education Station, Country Canada, Canal Plus Poland, TV Catalunya.

Eyewitness to War (one sheet)

One sheet which accompanied press kit for documentary release
A Time for Courage (documentary script) Co-wrote and produced this History Television documentary. Interviewed, researched and promoted.
Gladys Arnold Eulogy Wrote and delivered this eulogy for the principal in one of our documentaries following her death
CBC Concert (press release) Press release for a CD launch and concert by CBC Radio
Ebola War (press release) Press release for a television documentary launch
CBC Radio (audio item)
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Created radio Writer/Broadcaster segment. Conceived, interviewed, edited, mixed with music and SFX. Wrote host intro.
Golden Sheaf (press release) Press release written and sent out upon the documentary Eyewitness to War winning the Golden Sheaf Award for Best Documentary History
Final Report Canadian Millennium Partnership Program Final Grant Report
PR Report Report on the Public Relations campaign launched in support of the documentary Ebola War: Nurses of Gulu.

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